Tuesday, October 30, 2007

MNIUG - Evergreen/Pines

Tim Daniels of the Georgia Public Library Service talked about the origin of PINES. Part of the inspiration was a solution to the Y2K issues along with a dream of the Governor to have a single state-wide library card.

It was developed, from scratch in just over two years. Has a large number of search features, clean look to the main page. Do allow customers to create own account and user name, plus change passwords.

For all member libraries to replace PINES would be $15 million plus annual maintenance costs of $5 million/year. And the PINES budget is only $1.6 million.

Got libraries to agree on a standardized set of policy rules.

Jason Etheridge of Evergreen talked about some of the details. The current OPAC is the third version, and they are about to trash it for a fourth version. The current version has code on the main page which lets you add Evergreen to the search box choices of search engines in Firefox (and other browsers?). It is open source, and others are making changes, and contributing back to the community.

He showed a search of a "meta-record" which had a single entry for all the various media types. Kind of like FRBR. He showed all kinds of records and examples and even the staff side of the system. Currently there is software which is resident, with much delivered over the web. They are moving to more web based.

The bibliographic record is a consortium record, but there are ways to add meta-data including local notes. Local and volume notes are not added as part of the MARC record. Can't answer question about authority control, currently based on matching algorithms.

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