Wednesday, May 03, 2006

ALA Legislative Day 2006

I took some photos and have put them on my Flickr pages.

The trip down was uneventful, even though the car began to overheat some while I was on the Cross Bronx. As long as I kept moving, it was fine. I took a couple of photos at the Vince Lombardi Rest Area on the New Jersey Turnpike, including one of the top of the Empire State Building on its 75th "birthday."

I spent the night in Maryland with my son and his fiancee, at their new (to them) town house.

Tuesday morning I got up bright and early, and drove to the Greenbelt station for the Metro ride into DC. I got to Union Station in plenty of time, grabbed some breakfast and walked over to the Capitol where the morning briefing was. There are shots from Union Station and of the outside of the Capitol. It was a gorgeous day! 70's and sunny, with clear skies.

I've got a few photos of the morning briefing which Miriam Nisbet (ALA - WO) did. I then headed to the ALA Washington Office. There are a bunch of photos of the new offices. I was there for a meeting with REFORMA and MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund). There is one photo there of the group.

Late morning was a meeting of OITP staff and those of us from the E-Rate Task Force who were going to visit the FCC in the afternoon. We prepped, we went over, and we met. There is one photo of Commissioner Adelstiein, in his wonderful office; and there are a couple of photos in and from Commissioner Copps' meeting room.

Later I was a the reception in Rayburn Building. There are photos of ALA President Michael Gorman, FOLUSA Executive Director Sally Reed, and those who presented and received the legislative awards. I'll be updating the Flickr page with details once I figure them out!

I headed home late (starting on the Metro after 7 pm) and getting on the road in Maryland by about 8:30. There was really bad traffic at the Delaware Memorial Bridge. The idiots advertised that two left lanes as closed when it really was three lanes. And they do a lousy job of helping vehicles merge, so it took an hour to go about 2 miles. Frustrating! The rest of the trip was fine, but I stopped a couple of times to nap. I got home late (or, technically, early).

It was a good trip, all in all.

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