Sunday, February 24, 2008

Wisconsin Cold

This weekend has been warm -- for this winter. It has actually been double digits (above zero) including almost getting to 40 today.

Earlier in the week was the primary. So many of the national media talked about how Wisconsinites were braving the cold to vote. In Eau Claire, the turn out was almost a record with over 40% coming out to vote. Even my daughter blogged [no link, unless she asks for it] about how ridiculous it was to talk about being surprised at the cold in Wisconsin in the winter.

The locals here are talking about how this is like winters used to be. We have had below average cold and above average snow. Fortunately, here in Eau Claire we have not had the same dumping of snow that the southern part of the state has had. My observation has been that the snow has been pretty dry. The down side is the drifting (look at the first two photos on Flickr). But it is still light. With the cold it has stuck.

More snow is predicted for this week. We'll see!


  1. I won't tell you what the weather is like in SoCal, After a week of much-needed rain (and snow in the mountains, whence cometh our water), it's now in the 60s.

  2. I won't tell you what the weather is like in SoCal, After a week of much-needed rain (and snow in the mountains, whence cometh our water), it's now in the 60s.
