Monday, January 23, 2006

PUBLIB @ San Antonio Midwinter

One of these days, I'll get set up on Flikr, but in the meantime, I was late getting to the restaurant for the PUBLIB get together. So here are three [rev. note: I wrote two originally and found that I actually had three. I also edited the post slightly.] small photos. The first is the group with whom I ate (Diane Casey, fellow EB member Nann Blaine Hilyard, Bob Boucher, and Jim Casey, and the larger table whom I cannot name completely. Suffice it to say that moderator Karen Schneider is there, too! [Unfortunately, I did not get to talk much to Karen at this Meeting because she had to head home for classes for her MFA.]

And I am slightly annoyed that I cannot get the photos to line up the way I want them to. Although after some fiddling this is better than it had been.

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