Wednesday, June 26, 2024

ALA Annual 2024 - Where is Michael?

Updated 6/26:  Calendar synch completed ... But still very much a work in progress.

Here is my tentative schedule for ALA Annual in San Diego. Note that it is still tentative! There is only one Thursday event. Astute readers (do I even have any?) will note that there is a dramatically smaller number of events and conflicts. It was a decade ago that my friend Aaron Dobbs and I found that you can only have 46 calendar events in a day.
If you have previously viewed this, you may want to refresh to be sure that you have the latest version of my calendar.
(Note: I have figured out how to make "Agenda" the default view.) Clicking on any event will show details. I think have also mastered having the time zone correct, but I could be wrong! I will need to test upon arrival in San Diego.

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Data Detective: Ten Easy Rules to Make Sense of Statistics by Tim Harford: A review

The US edition was published in 2021 -- so I am a little late to the game. But this is a great read. It does not delve deeply into math, but could be a companion to discussion on web evaluation ("fake news") as well as basic math literacy.

Here are the ten easy rules ... but I strongly recommend reading the book:

  1. Search your feelings
  2. Ponder your personal experience
  3. Avoid premature enumeration
  4. Step back and enjoy the view
  5. Get the backstory
  6. Ask who is missing
  7. Demand transparency when the computer says no
  8. Don't take statistical bedrock for granted
  9. Remember that misinformation can be beautiful, too
  10. Keep an open mind

And ... the golden rule: Be curious

And while he has a web site [] in my initial wandering around, it does not say much about this work on statistics [although you can readily purchase the book on his site] ... he has moved on to other topics.