Friday, January 21, 2022

Books Read 2021

Here's the 2021 list:
    Death on Nantucket by Francine Mathews
    Ava's Man by Rick Bragg
    Home Before Dark: A biographical memoir of John Cheever by his daughter by Susan Cheever
    Tinderbox: the untold story of the Up Stairs Lounge fire and the rise of gay liberation by Robert W. Fieseler
    After the Worst Thing Happens by Audrey Vernick ARC
    Note Found in a Bottle: My life as a drinker by Susan Cheever
    Death of a Diva at Honeychurch Hall by Hannah Dennison Hurricane read
    Antiques Carry On: A Trash 'N' Treasures Mystery by Barbara Allen Hurricane read
    The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870-1914 by David McCullough [Special note: cover is by my friend Wendell Minor]
    The Building of the Panama Canal in Historic Photographs by Ulrich Keller
    Panama: Yesterday and Today by Sue Core
    Not God: A History of Alcoholics Anonymous by Ernest Kurtz
    The Awakening: complete, authoritative text with biographical and historical contexts, critical history, and essays from five contemporary critical perspectives by Kate Chopin edited by Nancy A. Walker
    My name is Bill: Bill Wilson: His Life and the Creation of Alcoholics Anonymous by Susan Cheever
    The Library Book by Susan Olean
    Desire: Where Sex Meets Addiction by Susan Cheever
    Couples by John Updike
    The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon
    Gettysburg Pamphliets
      "Gettysburg" [National Park Service Booklet, 1992]
      "The Monuments at Gettysburg" by Thosmas A. Desjardin [1997]
      "Holding the Left at Gettysburg: the 20th New York State Militis on July 1, 1863" Seward Osborne [1990]
      "On the Bloodstained Field: 130 Human Interest Stories of the Campaign and Battle of Gettysburg" by Gregory A. Coco
      "'For God's Sake, Forward!' Gen. John F. Reynolds, USA" by Michael Riley [1995] signed

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