Thursday, September 08, 2005

Other stuff

So, why was I not at the ACLU hearing? It was move-in day at Boston University for members of the Marching Band (and others). My daughter is a member of the Marching Band. Band Camp began that evening, with the bus departure scheduled for 3 pm. That meant leaving home by about 9 am to get to Beantown, get the car unloaded, and let her get a little settled.

In the meantime, while waiting that morning, I turned on the computer and checked my email. My mother had gone for a colonoscopy the morning before. They had snipped some polyps, and I guess snipped a little too much. There was "leakage" and she went back to the ER and then they did surgery in the early hours of the morning. [Side note: I am fortunate that my youngest brother lives in her house, and had handled most of this. My second-to-youngest sister got called in early, she lives about 1/2 hour away.] So after many phone calls while driving to Boston, I stopped at the hospital to see my mother on the way home.

She is now about to be discharged and sent to "rehab" for about a week before going home. I saw her again on Sunday after representing her at her aunt's 95th birthday party. Needless to say there have been numerous emails and phone calls with my siblings over my mother's health during the past week. All the while the USA PATRIOT Act and the "will ALA meet in New Orleans in June" saga continues.

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